Ron Paul discusses the White House and Obamas Plans for a National ID Card. What it will mean for the Freedom and free movement of all Americans, welcome to the USSR my Friends. It is time to WAKE THE HELL UP, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????????????
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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24 Responses to RFID CHIP & NATIONAL ID Comming Soon

  1. YambidiBlamBlam says:

    @spammingnoobs You are joking right? Whoring the elites? The elites pimp the masses all the time. The whole thing about illegal immigration is a false issue anyway, since capitalism which IS America only promotes cheap labor no matter how you can get it. A penny saved is a penny earned.

  2. theonemusicartist says:

    @MrNickNamez His name is Jesus Christ

  3. renragged says:

    Ron Paul is the man!

  4. enriquecalles009 says:

    man fuck you u fuckin racist!!!! go eat a dick

  5. anthonyontherocks says:

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  6. spammingnoobs says:

    I always wanted to kill these news reporters for whoring for the elites and being unpatriotic

  7. MrKnifeFanatic says:

    This stupid crap is a farse.. it is designed to take your eye off the ball. They aren’t going to RFID anyone, but they will try and keep the Federal Reserve around. The Fed’s charter is up next year. How many people can you educate about the private run Fed? Help your fellow statesmen!

  8. MrKnifeFanatic says:

    Is this stupid bitch serious!?!?! wow….

  9. MrNickNamez says:

    @psychoeyez are you serious… god loves you more then me? just for reading an old raped story, and sending some useless prayers out into the collective conciousness??



    ohh… and one more thing, please describe god for me, i would love to hear this one!

  10. MrNickNamez says:

    Ron Paul discusses the White House and Obamas Plans for a National ID Card. What it will mean for the Freedom and free movement of all Americans, welcome to the USSR my Friends. It is time to WAKE THE HELL UP, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????????????

    Chuck Norris!

  11. v4lkyr says:

    I don’t need a shitty bible to know this is just plain wrong.

  12. MTFAMV says:

    @dyne313 This has to do with our beliefs the Bible said this was gonna happen so that means most Christians will be against this aswell

  13. dyne313 says:

    Their planning to take away more liberties, and all some of you can talk about is your religion.

    Who cares about mythology, lets talk about reality.

  14. FreeYourselfSlave says:

    Once Again, Ron Paul Speaks Out!

  15. coopmuch56 says:

    @CRAZEfingershow everything is a sign of the anti christ to you morons iv been hearing that for years. And jesus is coming back soon to right? lol idiots…

  16. dbkstylez says:

    MARK OF THE BEAST!!!!!!!

  17. dbkstylez says:


  18. jayboi54 says:

    I’m LAUGHING at how worked up she became because he didn’t say all the things she wanted him to say, lol!

  19. Sleepster449 says:

    This should not be a debate about the bibical connections, or the mark of the beast or an attack on religion (by all you outspoken athiest folk), this is a discussion of human rights and of everything that we hold dear to us. The United States Government has stepped so far out of line, they are on the verge of falling off a cliff. We the People cannot let this happen, You the People cannot let this happen. Resist the chip, throw it out, shit in the envelope and send it back, burn it, whatever.

  20. img0ingin says:

    RON PAUL 2012

  21. supernatural3121 says:

    @sal70228 Amen

  22. supernatural3121 says:

    @CRAZEfingershow agreed.

  23. sal70228 says:

    Regarding this, this is pre-text to war with all you satanic worshiping demons out there. Bring it on, Jesus Christ will prevail.

  24. edasnoraa says:

    Damn. I never thought I would see the day that my own government would stamp the number of the beast on me.